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Adrienne L. Carey
( out of 79 reviews )

Adrienne L. Carey, MD

Languages spoken: English

Clinical Locations

University of Utah Hospital

Salt Lake City
  • Adrienne Carey, MD is an Assistant Professor in Infectious Diseases at the University of Utah School of Medicine. She is a clinical educator who graduated from the University of Utah in 2009 and attended medical school at the University of Utah School of Medicine. She completed a combined Internal Medicine-Pediatrics residency program at the University of Michigan in 2017. She returned to the University of Utah for sub-specialty training in Infectious Diseases. In addition to clinical work, she co-directs the Host & Defense course for first-year medical students. She is also a member of the Antimicrobial Stewardship team at the University of Utah. Her research interests center on the epidemiology and clinical outcomes of coccidioidomycosis, an infection caused by the endemic fungus Coccidioides. During her free time, Dr. Carey loves to hike, ski and travel.


    Board Certification

    American Board of Internal Medicine (Internal Medicine)
    American Board of Internal Medicine (Sub: Infectious Disease)

    Patient Rating

    5.0 /5
    ( out of 79 reviews )

    The patient rating score is an average of all responses on our patient experience survey. The rating averages scores for all questions about care from our providers.

    The scale on which responses are measured is 1 to 5 with 5 being the best score.

    Patient Comments

    Patient comments are gathered from our patient experience survey and displayed in their entirety. For the convenience of our visitors, some patient comments have been translated from their original language into English while preserving their original meaning as accurately as possible. Patients are de-identified for confidentiality and patient privacy.

    November 24, 2024

    I was very impressed and I am very grateful that Dr. Carey will be my provider for my complicated health condition.

    November 23, 2024

    Dr Adrienne Carey. She was so caring and concerned about me as a person and how my progress was going. She went through my results and questions and then she had questions about what I have been through. She was very honest and compassionate I would recommend her to anyone.

    October 12, 2024

    She not only orders pertinent tests but also does a good physical exam and answers questions.

    October 03, 2024

    Dr. Carey is very kind, professional, knowledgeable and efficient. I appreciate her care!

    October 03, 2024

    Dr Carey has a superb diagnostic skill set centered around her ability to obtain a detailed medical history and then develop a thorough diagnostic plan and appropriate use of subspecialty referrals. I highly recommend this young physician with old school skills.

    September 27, 2024

    She is caring and brilliant. I have the utmost confidence with her handling my health issues.

    September 14, 2024

    Dr. Carey is an example of what a good doctor should be. She is knowledgeable, caring and a genuinely nice person. I am very glad to be her patient.

    July 28, 2024

    We appreciate Dr. Carey's care and visits. They are always informative and she answers our concerns and questions.

    July 25, 2024

    Dr. Carey is the sweetest, most caring specialist anyone could ask for!! She listens, answers questions explains things so I can understand them. She is friendly and sweet. She allows me to help make decisions about my care, and if what I would like to try could potentially be harmful, she will let me know, and then set a goal. I never feel rushed and like she is trying to hurry the appointment to get me out the door. I recommend her 100% to everyone who is in need to be cared for by an Infectious Disease/Immunology Specialist! Even if there is a 2-3 month waiting list to get in to see her, she is worth the wait!!

  • Adrienne Carey, MD is an Assistant Professor in Infectious Diseases at the University of Utah School of Medicine. She is a clinical educator who graduated from the University of Utah in 2009 and attended medical school at the University of Utah School of Medicine. She completed a combined Internal Medicine-Pediatrics residency program at the University of Michigan in 2017. She returned to the University of Utah for sub-specialty training in Infectious Diseases. In addition to clinical work, she co-directs the Host & Defense course for first-year medical students. She is also a member of the Antimicrobial Stewardship team at the University of Utah. Her research interests center on the epidemiology and clinical outcomes of coccidioidomycosis, an infection caused by the endemic fungus Coccidioides. During her free time, Dr. Carey loves to hike, ski and travel.

    Board Certification and Academic Information

    Academic Departments Internal Medicine -Primary
    Academic Divisions Infectious Diseases
    Board Certification
    American Board of Internal Medicine (Internal Medicine)
    American Board of Internal Medicine (Sub: Infectious Disease)

    Education history

    Fellowship Infectious Diseases - University of Utah School of Medicine Chief Fellow
    Fellowship Infectious Diseases - University of Utah School of Medicine Fellow
    Chief Resident Internal Medicine-Pediatrics - University of Michigan Health System Chief Resident
    Residency Internal Medicine-Pediatrics - University of Michigan Health System Resident
    Professional Medical Medicine - University of Utah School of Medicine M.D.
    Undergraduate Chemistry - University of Utah B.S.

    Selected Publications

    Journal Article

    1. Niehaus E Wormser V, Carey A (2023). Coccidioidomycosis in Pregnancy: an Update on Contributions to the Literature in the Past 5 Years. Curr Fungal Infect Rep, 2023(17), 49-53.
    2. Carey A, Gorris ME, Chiller T, Jackson B, Beadles W, Webb BJ (2021). Epidemiology, Clinical Features, and Outcomes of Coccidioidomycosis, Utah, 2006-2015. Emerg Infect Dis, 27(9), 2269-2277.
    3. Hubbard L, Iriana S, Carey A, Odrobina R, Sossenheimer M, Rogers D (2020). Radiographic and Endoscopic Features of Pancreaticoduodenal Malakoplakia. Pancreas, 49(3), 455-460. ()


    1. Gorris ME, Caballero Van Dyke MC, Carey A, Hamm PS, Mead HL, Uehling JK (2021). A Review of Coccidioides Research, Outstanding Questions in the Field, and Contributions by Women Scientists. [Review]. Curr Clin Microbiol Rep, 8(3), 114-128. ()

    Book Chapter

    1. Carey A, Spivak E (2020). Chapter 2.10 Infections in the Surgical ICU. In Michael Karsy, Hussam Abou-Al-Shaar, Jian Guan, Rebecca Kim, Jeffrey B. Horn (Eds.), The Surgical Handbook (1st Edition). Thieme.


    1. Carey A (2021). Valley Fever in Utah, 2006-2015.