( out of 10 reviews )
Board Certification
American Board of Psychiatry & Neurology (Special Qualification in Child Neurology)Patient Rating
4.9 /5( out of 10 reviews )The patient rating score is an average of all responses on our patient experience survey. The rating averages scores for all questions about care from our providers.
The scale on which responses are measured is 1 to 5 with 5 being the best score.
Patient Comments
Patient comments are gathered from our patient experience survey and displayed in their entirety. For the convenience of our visitors, some patient comments have been translated from their original language into English while preserving their original meaning as accurately as possible. Patients are de-identified for confidentiality and patient privacy.
Board Certification and Academic Information
Academic Departments Pediatrics -Primary Academic Divisions Neurology
Board Certification American Board of Psychiatry & Neurology (Special Qualification in Child Neurology)Education history
Residency Child Neurology - University of Utah/Primary Children’s Hospital Resident Residency Pediatrics - Rush Children’s Hospital Resident Professional Medical Medicine - Loyola University Stritch School of Medicine M.D. Undergraduate Biology, Philosophy - Northeastern University B.A., B.S. Selected Publications
Journal Article
- McKnight D, Morales A, Hatchell KE, Bristow SL, Bonkowsky JL, Perry MS, Berg AT, Borlot F, Esplin ED, Moretz C, Angione K, Ros-Pohl L, Nussbaum RL, Aradhya S, ELEVIATE Consortium, Haldeman-Englert CR, Levy RJ, Parachuri VG, Lay-Son G, de Montellano DJD, Ramirez-Garcia MA, Bentez Alonso EO, Ziobro J, Chirita-Emandi A, Felix TM, Kulasa-Luke D, Megarbane A, Karkare S, Chagnon SL, Humberson JB, Assaf MJ, Silva S, Zarroli K, Boyarchuk O, Nelson GR, Palmquist R, Hammond KC, Hwang ST, Boutlier SB, Nolan M, Batley KY, Chavda D, Reyes-Silva CA, Miroshnikov O, Zuccarelli B, Amlie-Wolf L, Wheless JW, Seinfeld S, Kanhangad M, Freeman JL, Monroy-Santoyo S, Rodriguez-Vazquez N, Ryan MM, Machie M, Guerra P, Hassan MJ, Candee MS, Bupp CP, Park KL, Muller E 2nd, Lupo P, Pedersen RC, Arain AM, Murphy A, Schatz K, Mu W, Kalika PM, Plaza L, Kellogg MA, Lora EG, Carson RP, Svystilnyk V, Venegas V, Luke RR, Jiang H, Stetsenko T, Dueas-Roque MM, Trasmonte J, Burke RJ, Hurst ACE, Smith DM, Massingham LJ, Pisani L, Costin CE, Ostrander B, Filloux FM, Ananth AL, Mohamed IS, Nechai A, Dao JM, Fahey MC, Aliu E, Falchek S, Press CA, Treat L, Eschbach K, Starks A, Kammeyer R, Bear JJ, Jacobson M, Chernuha V, Meibos B, Wong K, Sweney MT, Espinoza AC, Van Orman CB, Weinstock A, Kumar A, Soler-Alfonso C, Nolan DA, Raza M, Rojas Carrion MD, Chari G, Marsh ED, Shiloh-Malawsky Y, Parikh S, Gonzalez-Giraldo E, Fulton S, Sogawa Y, Burns K, Malets M, Montiel Blanco JD, Habela CW, Wilson CA, Guzmn GG, Pavliuk M (2022). Genetic Testing to Inform Epilepsy Treatment Management From an International Study of Clinical Practice. JAMA Neurol, 79(12), 1267-1276. ()
- Robertson DM, Wright MA, Ostrander B, Tani LY (2022). Child Neurology: Case Report of Lambl Excrescences in a Pediatric Patient With Multifocal Strokes. Neurology. ()
- Keene JC, Morgan LA, Abend NS, Bates SV, Bauer Huang SL, Chang T, Chu CJ, Glass HC, Massey SL, Ostrander B, Pardo AC, Press CA, Soul JS, Shellhaas RA, Thomas C, Natarajan N (2021). Treatment of Neonatal Seizures: Comparison of Treatment Pathways From 11 Neonatal Intensive Care Units. Pediatr Neurol, 128, 67-74. ()
- Palmquist R, Jenkins SM, Bentley D, Miller C, Mao R, Meibos B, Bayrak-Toydemir P, Tvrdik T, Nadauld LD, Bleyl SB, Chowdhury S, Ostrander B, Flores-Daboub J, Longo N, Tristani-Firouzi M, Hobbs C, Bonkowsky JL, Brunelli L (2022). Evaluating use of changing technologies for rapid next-generation sequencing in pediatrics. Pediatr Res. ()
- Baserga M, DuPont TL, Ostrander B, Minton S, Sheffield M, Balch AH, Bahr TM, Watt KM (2021). Dexmedetomidine Use in Infants Undergoing Cooling Due to Neonatal Encephalopathy (DICE Trial): A Randomized Controlled Trial: Background, Aims and Study Protocol. Front Pain Res (Lausanne), 2, 770511. ()
- Limoges N, Ostrander B, Kennedy A, Woodward PJ, Bollo RJ (2021). Neurological and clinical outcomes in infants and children with a fetal diagnosis of asymmetric ventriculomegaly, interhemispheric cyst, and dysgenesis of the corpus callosum. J Neurosurg Pediatr, 1-5. ()
- Hranilovich JA, Park AH, Knackstedt ED, Ostrander BE, Hedlund GL, Shi K, Bale JF Jr (2020). Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Congenital Cytomegalovirus With Failed Newborn Hearing Screen. Pediatr Neurol, 110, 55-58. ()
- Maitre NL, Burton VJ, Duncan AF, Iyer S, Ostrander B, Winter S, Ayala L, Burkhardt S, Gerner G, Getachew R, Jiang K, Lesher L, Perez CM, Moore-Clingenpeel M, Lam R, Lewandowski DJ, Byrne R (2020). Network Implementation of Guideline for Early Detection Decreases Age at Cerebral Palsy Diagnosis. Pediatrics, 145(5). ()
- McCrary H, Shi K, Newberry I, Hamilton C, Ostrander, B, OBrien E, Knackstedt E, Ling C, Miner L, Park A (2020). Outcomes from an expanded targeted early cytomegalovirus testing program. . 15(4), 189-194.
- Sherrod BA, Ho WS, Hedlund A, Kennedy A, Ostrander B, Bollo RJ (2019). A comparison of the accuracy of fetal MRI and prenatal ultrasonography at predicting lesion level and perinatal motor outcome in patients with myelomeningocele. Neurosurg Focus, 47(4), E4. ()
- Brunelli L, Jenkins SM, Gudgeon JM, Bleyl SB, Miller CE, Tvrdik T, Dames SA, Ostrander B, Daboub JAF, Zielinski BA, Zinkhan EK, Underhill HR, Wilson T, Bonkowsky JL, Yost CC, Botto LD, Jenkins J, Pysher TJ, Bayrak-Toydemir P, Mao R (2019). Targeted gene panel sequencing for the rapid diagnosis of acutely ill infants. Mol Genet Genomic Med, 7(7), e00796. ()
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