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Brian C. Stagg
( out of 509 reviews )

Brian C. Stagg, MD

Languages spoken: English, Portuguese

Clinical Locations

Farmington Health Center


John A. Moran Eye Center

Salt Lake City
  • Brian C. Stagg, MD, specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma. He also performs cataract surgery and has a special interest in geriatric ophthalmology.

    He earned his medical degree from the University of Utah and completed his residency at Moran, where he was instrumental in helping to create Moran’s Operation Sight program. After residency, he went to the University of Michigan where he practiced as a comprehensive ophthalmologist and was a National Clinician Scholar research fellow studying population health. Following his time at Michigan, Dr. Stagg completed a glaucoma fellowship at Duke University.

    His research focuses on using modern technology to personalize glaucoma care to ensure that each patient gets appropriate treatment. Honors include acceptance into the University of Utah’s Vice President’s Clinical & Translational (VPCAT) Research Scholars Program.

    Get to know Dr. Stagg by watching his .

    Board Certification

    American Board of Ophthalmology

    Patient Rating

    4.9 /5
    ( out of 509 reviews )

    The patient rating score is an average of all responses on our patient experience survey. The rating averages scores for all questions about care from our providers.

    The scale on which responses are measured is 1 to 5 with 5 being the best score.

    Patient Comments

    Patient comments are gathered from our patient experience survey and displayed in their entirety. For the convenience of our visitors, some patient comments have been translated from their original language into English while preserving their original meaning as accurately as possible. Patients are de-identified for confidentiality and patient privacy.

    January 25, 2025

    DR, Stagg is a very pleasant person to deal with!

    January 19, 2025

    I'm sure that I can't say anything that hasn't already been said. I loved my care and results. All health care needs to be like this.

    January 15, 2025

    Answered questions so I could understand

    January 14, 2025

    Dr Stagg is awesome as they come. Please increase his compensation as soon as possible.

    January 06, 2025

    Dr Stagg talked the time to contact his patients before the appointment (surgery) to see there are any questions. Overall is looking out for the patient

    January 03, 2025

    Dr Stagg is very caring and answered all of my questions thoroughly in a way that I could understand.

    January 02, 2025

    Dr Stagg is knowledgeable and very thorough. He is kind and compassionate. I highly recommend him.

    December 19, 2024

    Did a great job on my eyes thank you

    December 15, 2024

    Dr Stagg and his staff are the best. Everyone is patient, kind, caring, and very proficient. They are all very respectful and efficient. I feel so very well cared for when I go there. I trust them all very much.

  • Brian C. Stagg, MD, specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma. He also performs cataract surgery and has a special interest in geriatric ophthalmology.

    He earned his medical degree from the University of Utah and completed his residency at Moran, where he was instrumental in helping to create Moran’s Operation Sight program. After residency, he went to the University of Michigan where he practiced as a comprehensive ophthalmologist and was a National Clinician Scholar research fellow studying population health. Following his time at Michigan, Dr. Stagg completed a glaucoma fellowship at Duke University.

    His research focuses on using modern technology to personalize glaucoma care to ensure that each patient gets appropriate treatment. Honors include acceptance into the University of Utah’s Vice President’s Clinical & Translational (VPCAT) Research Scholars Program.

    Get to know Dr. Stagg by watching his .

    Board Certification and Academic Information

    Academic Departments Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences -Primary
    Board Certification
    American Board of Ophthalmology

    Education history

    Fellowship Glaucoma - Duke Eye Center Fellow
    Graduate Training Health and Healthcare Research - University of Michigan M.S.
    Research Fellow Health Services - Institute for Healthcare Policy and Innovation, University of Michigan Research Fellow
    Residency Ophthalmology - John A. Moran Eye Center, University of Utah School of Medicine Resident
    Internship Internal Medicine-Ophthalmology - University of Utah School of Medicine Intern
    Professional Medical Medicine - University of Utah School of Medicine M.D.
    Undergraduate Major: Neuroscience; Minor: Portuguese - Brigham Young University B.S.

    Selected Publications

    Journal Article

    1. Asare AO, Stagg BC, Stipelman C, Keenan HT, Watt M, Del Fiol G, Young MP, Smith JD (2024). Access to vision care for children from immigrant and nonimmigrant households: evidence from the National Survey of Children's Health 2018-2019. J AAPOS, 28(6), 104044. ()
    2. Asare AO, Horns JJ, Stagg BC, Richards-Steed R, Young M, Watt MH, Stipelman C, Del Fiol G, Hartmann EE, Keenan HT, Asare EA, Smith JD (2024). Vision screening for preschoolers with commercial insurance: impact of geography. J AAPOS, 28(6), 104054. ()
    3. Asare AO, Stagg BC, Stipelman C, Killeen OJ, Hicks PM, Omotowa O, Hartmann EE, Keenan HT, Smith JD (2024). Patient-centered medical homes and vision care for children: a cross-sectional analysis with data from the national survey of children's health 2018-2019. BMC Pediatr, 24(1), 745. ()
    4. Chauhan MZ, Elhusseiny AM, Marwah S, Sallam AB, Stein JD, Kishor KS, SOURCE Consortium, Amin S, Edwards PA, Srikumaran D, Woreta F, Schultz JS, Shrivastava A, Ahmad B, Pasquale L, Bryar PJ, French DD, Hribar M, Thomas M, Vanderbeek BL, Pershing S, Wang SY, Deiner M, Sun C, Patnaik J, Subramanian P, Munir S, Munir W, Stein JD, De Lott L, Ramachandran R, Feldman R, Stagg BC, Wirostko B, McMillian B, Sheybani A, Sarrapour S, Harris-Nwanyanwu K (2024). Incidence of Uveitis Following Initiation of Prostaglandin Analogs Versus Other Glaucoma Medications: A Study from the SOURCE Repository. Ophthalmol Glaucoma. ()
    5. Polski A, Long T, Stagg BC, Wirostko B (2024). Uveitis-Glaucoma-Hyphema Syndrome From Subtle Malposition of a Hydrus Microstent. J Glaucoma, 33(11), e92-e96. ()
    6. Curtin K, Stein JD, Stagg BC, Fino N, Conley M, Johnson T, Patil A, Paulson C, Pompoco C, Wirostko BM (2024). Identifiable Historic and Observable Factors May Predict Progression to Exfoliation Glaucoma in Newly Diagnosed Exfoliation Patients. Ophthalmol Glaucoma. ()
    7. Hallaj S, Khawaja AP, Rodrigues IAS, Boland MV, Brown EN, Chen A, Stagg BC, Stein JD, Sun CQ, Mahe-Cook AL, Swaminathan SS, Wang SY, Xu BY, Weinreb RN, Baxter SL (2024). Gap Analysis of Glaucoma Examination Concept Representations within Standard Systemized Nomenclature of Medicine - Clinical Terms. Ophthalmol Glaucoma. ()
    8. Asare AO, Stagg BC, Sharareh N, Stipelman C, Del Fiol G, Smith JD (2024). Vision Loss in Children from Immigrant and Nonimmigrant Households: Evidence from the National Survey of Children's Health 2018-2020. J Immigr Minor Health, 26(5), 813-822. ()
    9. Stagg BC, Schlechter CR, Del Fiol G (2024). The Digital Divide in Eye Health Care Delivery. JAMA Ophthalmol. ()
    10. Jin H, Zhou Y, Stagg BC, Ehrlich JR (2024). Association between vision impairment and increased prevalence of falls in older US adults. J Am Geriatr Soc. ()
    11. Stein JD, Zhou Y, Andrews CA, Kim JE, Addis V, Bixler J, Grove N, McMillan B, Munir SZ, Pershing S, Schultz JS, Stagg BC, Wang SY, Woreta F, SOURCE consortium (2024). Using Natural Language Processing to Identify Different Lens Pathology in Electronic Health Records. Am J Ophthalmol. ()
    12. Polski A, Liu KC, Gupta D, Grewal DS, Horns J, Wirostko BM, Stagg BC (2023). Incident glaucoma and ocular hypertension after periocular and intravitreal steroid injections: a claims-based analysis. BMJ Open Ophthalmol, 8(1). ()
    13. Killeen OJ, Choi H, Kannan NS, Asare AO, Stagg BC, Ehrlich JR (2024). Association Between Health Insurance and Primary Care Vision Testing Among Children and Adolescents. JAMA Ophthalmol, 141(9), 909-911. ()
    14. Hicks PM, Woodward MA, Niziol LM, Lu MC, Kang L, Stagg BC, Jakpor O, Elam AR, Newman-Casey PA (2022). Seeing Red: Associations between Historical Redlining and Present-Day Visual Impairment and Blindness. Ophthalmology, 130(4), 404-412. ()
    15. Stagg BC, Tullis B, Asare A, Stein JD, Medeiros FA, Weir C, Borbolla D, Hess R, Kawamoto K (2023). Systematic User-centered Design of a Prototype Clinical Decision Support System for Glaucoma. Ophthalmol Sci, 3(3), 100279. ()
    16. Morris AH, Horvat C, Stagg B, Grainger DW, Lanspa M, Orme J, Clemmer TP, Weaver LK, Thomas FO, Grissom CK, Hirshberg E, East TD, Wallace CJ, Young MP, Sittig DF, Suchyta M, Pearl JE, Pesenti A, Bombino M, Beck E, Sward KA, Weir C, Phansalkar S, Bernard GR, Thompson BT, Brower R, Truwit J, Steingrub J, Hiten RD, Willson DF, Zimmerman JJ, Nadkarni V, Randolph AG, Curley MAQ, Newth CJL, Lacroix J, Agus MSD, Lee KH, deBoisblanc BP, Moore FA, Evans RS, Sorenson DK, Wong A, Boland MV, Dere WH, Crandall A, Facelli J, Huff SM, Haug PJ, Pielmeier U, Rees SE, Karbing DS, Andreassen S, Fan E, Goldring RM, Berger KI, Oppenheimer BW, Ely EW, Pickering BW, Schoenfeld DA, Tocino I, Gonnering RS, Pronovost PJ, Savitz LA, Dreyfuss D, Slutsky AS, Crapo JD, Pinsky MR, James B, Berwick DM (2022). Computer clinical decision support that automates personalized clinical care: a challenging but needed healthcare delivery strategy. J Am Med Inform Assoc, 30(1), 178-194. ()
    17. Stagg BC, Stein JD, Medeiros FA, Horns J, Hartnett ME, Kawamoto K, Hess R (2022). The Frequency of Visual Field Testing in a US Nationwide Cohort of Individuals with Open-Angle Glaucoma. Ophthalmol Glaucoma, 5(6), 587-593. ()
    18. Paulson C, Thomas SC, Gonzalez O, Taylor S, Swiston C, Herrick JS, McCoy L, Curtin K, Chaya CJ, Stagg BC, Wirostko BM (2022). Exfoliation Syndrome in Baja Verapaz Guatemala: A Cross-Sectional Study and Review of the Literature. J Clin Med, 11(7). ()
    19. Yorgason JB, Tanner CT, Richardson S, Hill MMYS, Stagg B, Wettstein M, Ehrlich JR (2022). The Longitudinal Association of Late-Life Visual and Hearing Difficulty and Cognitive Function: The Role of Social Isolation. J Aging Health, 8982643211063338. ()
    20. Trujillo Tanner C, Yorgason JB, Richardson S, Redelfs AH, Hill MMYS, White A, Stagg B, Ehrlich JR, Markides KS (2022). Sensory Impairments and Social Isolation Among Hispanic Older Adults: Towards Culturally Sensitive Measurement of Social Isolation. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci. ()
    21. Hicks PM, Elam AR, Woodward MA, Newman-Casey PA, Asare A, Akrobetu D, Gupta D, Stagg BC (2021). Perceptions of Respect From Clinicians by Patients in Racial and Ethnic Minority Groups With Eye Disease. JAMA Ophthalmol, 140(2), 125-131. ()
    22. Swink JM, Gupta D, Stagg B (2021). The Relationship of Visiting Alternative Care Practitioners with Receiving Medical Eye Care in Patients with Chronic Ocular Disease. Ophthalmic Epidemiol, 1-4. ()
    23. Pompoco CJ, Curtin K, Taylor S, Paulson C, Shumway C, Conley M, Barker DJ, Swiston C, Stagg B, Ritch R, Wirostko BM (2021). Summary of Utah Project on Exfoliation Syndrome (UPEXS): using a large database to identify systemic comorbidities. BMJ Open Ophthalmol, 6(1), e000803. ()
    24. Morris AH, Stagg B, Lanspa M, Orme J, Clemmer TP, Weaver LK, Thomas F, Grissom CK, Hirshberg E, East TD, Wallace CJ, Young MP, Sittig DF, Pesenti A, Bombino M, Beck E, Sward KA, Weir C, Phansalkar SS, Bernard GR, Taylor Thompson B, Brower R, Truwit JD, Steingrub J, Duncan Hite R, Willson DF, Zimmerman JJ, Nadkarni VM, Randolph A, Curley MAQ, Newth CJL, Lacroix J, Agus MSD, Lee KH, deBoisblanc BP, Scott Evans R, Sorenson DK, Wong A, Boland MV, Grainger DW, Dere WH, Crandall AS, Facelli JC, Huff SM, Haug PJ, Pielmeier U, Rees SE, Karbing DS, Andreassen S, Fan E, Goldring RM, Berger KI, Oppenheimer BW, Wesley Ely E, Gajic O, Pickering B, Schoenfeld DA, Tocino I, Gonnering RS, Pronovost PJ, Savitz LA, Dreyfuss D, Slutsky AS, Crapo JD, Angus D, Pinsky MR, James B, Berwick D (2020). Enabling a learning healthcare system with automated computer protocols that produce replicable and personalized clinician actions. J Am Med Inform Assoc, 28(6), 1330-1344. ()
    25. Stagg B, Mariottoni EB, Berchuck S, Jammal A, Elam AR, Hess R, Kawamoto K, Haaland B, Medeiros FA (2021). Longitudinal visual field variability and the ability to detect glaucoma progression in black and white individuals. Br J Ophthalmol, 106, 1115-1120. ()
    26. Stagg BC, Granger A, Guetterman TC, Hess R, Lee PP (2021). The Burden of Caring for and Treating Glaucoma: The Patient Perspective. Ophthalmol Glaucoma, 5, 32-39. ()
    27. Gupta D, Ehrlich JR, Newman-Casey PA, Stagg B (2020). Cost-Related Medication Nonadherence in a Nationally Representative US Population with Self-Reported Glaucoma. Ophthalmol Glaucoma, 4(2), 126-130. ()
    28. Stagg B, Stein JD, Medeiros FA, Cummins M, Kawamoto K, Hess R (2021). Interests and needs of eye care providers in clinical decision support for glaucoma. BMJ Open Ophthalmol, 6(1), e000639. ()
    29. Stagg BC, Gupta D, Ehrlich JR, Newman-Casey PA, Stein JD, Kawamoto K, Hess R (2020). The Use of eHealth Practices by United States Patients with Self-Reported Glaucoma. Ophthalmol Glaucoma, 4(1), 71-77. ()
    30. Stagg BC, Stein JD, Medeiros FA, Wirostko B, Crandall A, Hartnett ME, Cummins M, Morris A, Hess R, Kawamoto K (2020). Special Commentary: Using Clinical Decision Support Systems to Bring Predictive Models to the Glaucoma Clinic. Ophthalmol Glaucoma, 4(1), 5-9. ()
    31. Stagg BC, Gupta D, Ehrlich JR, Newman-Casey PA, Stein JD, Kawamoto K, Hess R (2020). Evaluation for Disparities in Experience With Internet-Based Health Care Among US Patients With Chronic Eye Diseases. JAMA Ophthalmol, 138(10), 1097-1099. ()
    32. Ehrlich JR, Flora HJ, Stagg BC, Vengadesh B, Willey G, Vardhan S A (2021). Functional Difficulties of Patients Seeking Low Vision Services in South India. Asia Pac J Ophthalmol (Phila), 9(5), 470-475. ()
    33. Patel N, Stagg BC, Swenor BK, Zhou Y, Talwar N, Ehrlich JR (2020). Association of Co-occurring Dementia and Self-reported Visual Impairment With Activity Limitations in Older Adults. JAMA Ophthalmol, 138(7), 756-763. ()
    34. Stagg BC (2021). "It's Her Eye": Learning to Have a Patient-Centered Perspective. J Grad Med Educ, 12(3), 367-368. ()
    35. Gan K, Liu Y, Stagg B, Rathi S, Pasquale LR, Damji K (2020). Telemedicine for Glaucoma: Guidelines and Recommendations. Telemed J E Health, 26(4), 551-555. ()
    36. Stagg BC, Medeiros FA (2019). A Comparison of OCT Parameters in Identifying Glaucoma Damage in Eyes Suspected of Having Glaucoma. Ophthalmol Glaucoma, 3(2), 90-96. ()
    37. Xiang X, Freedman VA, Shah K, Hu RX, Stagg BC, Ehrlich JR (2019). Self-reported Vision Impairment and Subjective Well-being in Older Adults: A Longitudinal Mediation Analysis. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci, 75(3), 589-595. ()
    38. Xiang X, An R, Kang SW, Stagg BC, Ehrlich JR (2018). Disability type, depression, and antidepressants use among older adults in the United States. Aging Ment Health, 24(1), 27-34. ()
    39. Bernhisel AA, Cahoon JM, Sella R, Zaugg B, Barlow WR, Stagg BC, Afshari NA, Olson RJ, Pettey JH (2019). Optimum on-time and off-time combinations for micropulse phacoemulsification in venturi vacuum mode. J Cataract Refract Surg, 45(12), 1797-1800. ()
    40. Ehrlich JR, Ndukwe T, Solway E, Woodward MA, Singer DC, Newman-Casey PA, Kirch M, Delott LB, Kullgren JT, Stagg BC, Musch DC, Malani PN (2019). Self-reported Eye Care Use Among US Adults Aged 50 to 80 Years. JAMA Ophthalmol, 137(9), 1061-1066. ()
    41. Frank CR, Xiang X, Stagg BC, Ehrlich JR (2019). Longitudinal Associations of Self-reported Vision Impairment With Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression Among Older Adults in the United States. JAMA Ophthalmol, 137(7), 793-800. ()
    42. Ehrlich JR, Stagg BC, Andrews C, Kumagai A, Musch DC (2018). Vision Impairment and Receipt of Eye Care Among Older Adults in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. JAMA Ophthalmol, 137(2), 146-158. ()
    43. Ehrlich JR, Hassan SE, Stagg BC (2018). Prevalence of Falls and Fall-Related Outcomes in Older Adults with Self-Reported Vision Impairment. J Am Geriatr Soc, 67(2), 239-245. ()
    44. Stagg BC, Ehrlich JR, Choi H, Levine DA (2018). Association of Cognitive Impairment and Dementia With Receipt of Cataract Surgery Among Community-Dwelling Medicare Beneficiaries. JAMA Ophthalmol, 137(1), 114-117. ()
    45. Choi S, Stagg BC, Ehrlich JR (2018). Disparities in Low-Vision Device Use Among Older US Medicare Recipients. JAMA Ophthalmol, 136(12), 1399-1403. ()
    46. Zhao PY, Rahmathullah R, Stagg BC, Almobarak F, Edward DP, Robin AL, Stein JD (2018). A Worldwide Price Comparison of Glaucoma Medications, Laser Trabeculoplasty, and Trabeculectomy Surgery. JAMA Ophthalmol, 136(11), 1271-1279. ()


    1. Hicks PM, Kang L, Armstrong ML, Pongrac JR, Stagg BC, Saylor KM, Newman-Casey PA, Woodward MA (2023). A scoping review of patients' barriers to eye care for glaucoma and keratitis. [Review]. Surv Ophthalmol, 68(4), 567-577. ()


    1. Radgoudarzi N, Hallaj S, Boland MV, Stagg B, Wang SY, Xu B, Swaminathan SS, Brown EN, Chen A, Sun CQ, Amarasekera DC, Myers JS, Saifee M, Halfpenny W, Dirkes K, Zangwill L, Goetz KE, Hribar M, Baxter SL (2024). Barriers to Extracting and Harmonizing Glaucoma Testing Data: Gaps, Shortcomings, and the Pursuit of FAIRness. Ophthalmol Sci, 4(6), 100621. ()
    2. Mai AP, Wirostko B, Fitch S, Hansen K, Imbrescia W, Stagg BC (2023). Using Technology to Address Ophthalmic Technician Shortages in Glaucoma Clinics. Ophthalmol Glaucoma, 6(6), 567-569. ()


    1. Shah K, Choi S, Stagg BC, Ehrlich JR (2018). Medical decision-making preferences of older adults who had recent cataract surgery. [Letter to the editor]. J Cataract Refract Surg, 45(3), 378-379. ()