Board Certification
American Board of OphthalmologyPatient Rating
4.9 /5( out of 367 reviews )The patient rating score is an average of all responses on our patient experience survey. The rating averages scores for all questions about care from our providers.
The scale on which responses are measured is 1 to 5 with 5 being the best score.
Patient Comments
Patient comments are gathered from our patient experience survey and displayed in their entirety. For the convenience of our visitors, some patient comments have been translated from their original language into English while preserving their original meaning as accurately as possible. Patients are de-identified for confidentiality and patient privacy.
December 14, 2024MORAN EYE CENTERDoctor Hansen is very patient and good at explaining things
November 16, 2024MORAN EYE CENTERDr. Hansen is absolutely incredible. It means so much too me that he is helping out until another ocular oncologist is found. I'm so sorry that he left in the first place. He has been the best Dr. for me. I trust him so must and I know I've had the best care with him.
May 06, 2024MORAN EYE CENTERDr. Hansen provided very good care. He listened to my concerns and decisions. He took very good care of me.
April 25, 2024MORAN EYE CENTERDr. Hansen is an incredible dr. I'm truly going to miss him.
April 24, 2024MORAN EYE CENTERDr. Hansen was concerned about my health. He explained the procedures and is very competent.
April 22, 2024MORAN EYE CENTERHe is very caring and compassionate. Truly listens to my concerns and professionally addresses them. He makes it clear he cares. I couldn't ask for a better specialist.
April 19, 2024REDSTONE HEALTH CENTERDr Hansen is knowledgeable and listens well.
April 18, 2024MORAN EYE CENTERA very caring Surgeon with a great bedside manner.
April 04, 2024MORAN EYE CENTERDr. Hansen is very respectful and personal with the care he gives.
Board Certification and Academic Information
Academic Departments Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences -Adjunct Board Certification American Board of OphthalmologyEducation history
Fellowship Ocular Oncology - University of Miami, Bascom Palmer Eye Institute Fellow Fellowship Vitreoretinal surgery - University of Utah, John A. Moran Eye Center Fellow Fellowship International Ophthalmology - University of Utah, John A. Moran Eye Center Fellow Residency Ophthalmology - University of Miami, Bascom Palmer Eye Institute Resident Internship Legacy Health Transitional Internship Professional Medical Medicine - University of Oklahoma College of Medicine M.D. Undergraduate Finance; Minor in Chemistry - University of Oklahoma B.B.A. Selected Publications
Journal Article
- Global Retinoblastoma Study Group, Berry JL, Pike S, Rajagopalan A, Reid MW, Fabian ID, Afshar AR, Alejos A, Alemany-Rubio E, Carreras YA, Arazi M, Astbury NJ, Bascaran C, Binkley E, Blum S, Boldt HC, Bonanomi MTBC, Bowman R, Brennan RC, Burton MJ, Caldern-Sotelo P, Jara DAC, Cano MR, Castillo L, Cavieres I, Cerna DQ, Chandramohan A, Chantada GL, Corson TW, Cowan-Lyn KE, Davanzo JM, Demirci H, Coronado RYD, Dimaras H, Macedo CRD, Ericksen C, Fandio AC, Fernndez DDPG, Foster A, Fu LD, Fuentes-Alabi SL, Garcia JL, Pacheco HNG, Girn AV, Goenz MA, Gold AS, Gomel N, Gonzalez E, Perez GG, Gonzlez-Rodrguez L, Graells J, Grigorovski NDAK, Hamel P, Hansen ED, Harbour JW, Elizabeth Hartnett M, Hassan M, Hubbard GB, Kapelushnik N, Kim JW, Larson SA, Laurenti KD, Leverant AA, Li C, Lpez JP, Luna-Fineman S, Magrath GN, Mallipatna A, Mattosinho CCDS, Mets MB, Miller A, Mruthyunjaya P, Murray TG, Oliver SCN, Oporto J, Ortega-Hernndez M, Ossandon D, Morales CRP, Paton KE, Plager DA, Polania RA, Ponce J, Quintero D K, Ramasubramanian A, Ramirez-Ortiz MA, Randhawa JK, Romero L, Salas B, Snchez GL, Orozco AJS, Sgroi M, Shah AS, Shields CL, Singh AD, Skalet AH, Stacey AW, Stahl ED, Strahlendorf C, Suarez MEC, Superstein R, Leiva FFT, Teixeira LF, Uner OE, Anchaya JKV, Vaughan LO, Villegas VM, Wilson MW, Yaghy A, Yee RI, Lpez AM, Zondervan M (2023). Retinoblastoma Outcomes in the Americas: a prospective analysis of 491 children with retinoblastoma from 23 American countries. Am J Ophthalmol. ()
- Ebert JJ, Di Nicola M, Hansen ED, Collon SM, Hagen MC, Williams BK Jr (2022). Serous Choroidal Detachment and Scleritis Associated with Necrotic Choroidal Tumors. Ocul Oncol Pathol, 8(4-6), 191-196. ()
- Ozdek S, Ucgul AY, Hartnett ME, Akdogan M, Sen P, Bhende M, Besirli CG, Karacorlu M, Dedania V, Parolini B, Mittal S, Banker A, El Rayes E, Tawfik M, Wu WC, Attiku Y, Hansen E, Portney D, Sarvaiya C, Sahin O, Ozdemir HB, Gurelik G (2022). Combined Hamartoma of the Retina and Retinal Pigment Epithelium at Pediatric Age: Surgical versus Conservative Approach. Retina. ()
- Ashkenazy N, Diaz JD, Hansen ED, Harbour JW, Correa ZM (2022). Cyst-like recurrence of retinoblastoma diagnosed by multimodal imaging. Am J Ophthalmol Case Rep, 27, 101678. ()
- Goduni L, Ashkenazy N, Hansen E, Soyano-Muller A, Correa ZM, Harbour JW (2021). Iris metastasis from breast cancer successfully treated with Abemaciclib and Letrozole. Retin Cases Brief Rep. ()
- Global Retinoblastoma Study Group, Fabian ID, Abdallah E, Abdullahi SU, Abdulqader RA, Adamou Boubacar S, Ademola-Popoola DS, Adio A, Afshar AR, Aggarwal P, Aghaji AE, Ahmad A, Akib MNR, Al Harby L, Al Ani MH, Alakbarova A, Portabella SA, Al-Badri SAF, Alcasabas APA, Al-Dahmash SA, Alejos A, Alemany-Rubio E, Alfa Bio AI, Alfonso Carreras Y, Al-Haddad C, Al-Hussaini HHY, Ali AM, Alia DB, Al-Jadiry MF, Al-Jumaily U, Alkatan HM, All-Eriksson C, Al-Mafrachi AARM, Almeida AA, Alsawidi KM, Al-Shaheen AASM, Al-Shammary EH, Amiruddin PO, Antonino R, Astbury NJ, Atalay HT, Atchaneeyasakul LO, Atsiaya R, Attaseth T, Aung TH, Ayala S, Baizakova B, Balaguer J, Balayeva R, Balwierz W, Barranco H, Bascaran C, Beck Popovic M, Benavides R, Benmiloud S, Bennani Guebessi N, Berete RC, Berry JL, Bhaduri A, Bhat S, Biddulph SJ, Biewald EM, Bobrova N, Boehme M, Boldt HC, Bonanomi MTBC, Bornfeld N, Bouda GC, Bouguila H, Boumedane A, Brennan RC, Brichard BG, Buaboonnam J, Caldern-Sotelo P, Calle Jara DA, Camuglia JE, Cano MR, Capra M, Cassoux N, Castela G, Castillo L, Catal-Mora J, Chantada GL, Chaudhry S, Chaugule SS, Chauhan A, Chawla B, Chernodrinska VS, Chiwanga FS, Chuluunbat T, Cieslik K, Cockcroft RL, Comsa C, Correa ZM, Correa Llano MG, Corson TW, Cowan-Lyn KE, Cska M, Cui X, Da Gama IV, Dangboon W, Das A, Das S, Davanzo JM, Davidson A, De Potter P, Delgado KQ, Demirci H, Desjardins L, Diaz Coronado RY, Dimaras H, Dodgshun AJ, Donaldson C, Donato Macedo CR, Dragomir MD, Du Y, Du Bruyn M, Edison KS, Eka Sutyawan IW, El Kettani A, Elbahi AM, Elder JE, Elgalaly D, Elhaddad AM, Elhassan MMA, Elzembely MM, Essuman VA, Evina TGA, Fadoo Z, Fandio AC, Faranoush M, Fasina O, Fernndez DDPG, Fernndez-Teijeiro A, Foster A, Frenkel S, Fu LD, Fuentes-Alabi SL, Gallie BL, Gandiwa M, Garcia JL, Garca Aldana D, Gassant PY, Geel JA, Ghassemi F, Girn AV, Gizachew Z, Goenz MA, Gold AS, Goldberg-Lavid M, Gole GA, Gomel N, Gonzalez E, Gonzalez Perez G, Gonzlez-Rodrguez L, Garcia Pacheco HN, Graells J, Green L, Gregersen PA, Grigorovski NDAK, Guedenon KM, Gunasekera DS, Gndz AK, Gupta H, Gupta S, Hadjistilianou T, Hamel P, Hamid SA, Hamzah N, Hansen ED, Harbour JW, Hartnett ME, Hasanreisoglu M, Hassan S, Hassan S, Hederova S, Hernandez J, Hernandez LMC, Hessissen L, Hordofa DF, Huang LC, Hubbard GB, Hummlen M, Husakova K, Hussein Al-Janabi AN, Ida R, Ilic VR, Jairaj V, Jeeva I, Jenkinson H, Ji X, Jo DH, Johnson KP, Johnson WJ, Jones MM, Kabesha TBA, Kabore RL, Kaliki S, Kalinaki A, Kantar M, Kao LY, Kardava T, Kebudi R, Kepak T, Keren-Froim N, Khan ZJ, Khaqan HA, Khauv P, Kheir WJ, Khetan V, Khodabande A, Khotenashvili Z, Kim JW, Kim JH, Kiratli H, Kivel TT, Klett A, Komba Palet JEK, Krivaitiene D, Kruger M, Kulvichit K, Kuntorini MW, Kyara A, Lachmann ES, Lam CPS, Lam GC, Larson SA, Latinovic S, Laurenti KD, Le BHA, Lecuona K, Leverant AA, Li C, Limbu B, Long QB, Lpez JP, Lukamba RM, Lumbroso L, Luna-Fineman S, Lutfi D, Lysytsia L, Magrath GN, Mahajan A, Majeed AR, Maka E, Makan M, Makimbetov EK, Manda C, Martn Begue N, Mason L, Mason JO 3rd, Matende IO, Materin M, Mattosinho CCDS, Matua M, Mayet I, Mbumba FB, McKenzie JD, Medina-Sanson A, Mehrvar A, Mengesha AA, Menon V, Mercado GJVD, Mets MB, Midena E, Mishra DKC, Mndeme FG, Mohamedani AA, Mohammad MT, Moll AC, Montero MM, Morales RA, Moreira C, Mruthyunjaya P, Msina MS, Msukwa G, Mudaliar SS, Muma KI, Munier FL, Murgoi G, Murray TG, Musa KO, Mushtaq A, Mustak H, Muyen OM, Naidu G, Nair AG, Naumenko L, Ndoye Roth PA, Nency YM, Neroev V, Ngo H, Nieves RM, Nikitovic M, Nkanga ED, Nkumbe H, Nuruddin M, Nyaywa M, Obono-Obiang G, Oguego NC, Olechowski A, Oliver SCN, Osei-Bonsu P, Ossandon D, Paez-Escamilla MA, Pagarra H, Painter SL, Paintsil V, Paiva L, Pal BP, Palanivelu MS, Papyan R, Parrozzani R, Parulekar M, Pascual Morales CR, Paton KE, Pawinska-Wasikowska K, Peer J, Pea A, Peric S, Pham CTM, Philbert R, Plager DA, Pochop P, Polania RA, Polyakov VG, Pompe MT, Pons JJ, Prat D, Pr (2020). Global Retinoblastoma Presentation and Analysis by National Income Level. JAMA Oncol, 6(5), 685-695. ()
- Sauer L, Komanski CB, Vitale AS, Hansen ED, Bernstein PS (2019). Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Ophthalmoscopy (FLIO) in Eyes With Pigment Epithelial Detachments Due to Age-Related Macular Degeneration. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 60(8), 3054-3063. ()
- Watane A, Hansen ED, Vazquez LE, Karp CL (2022). Ocular Surface Squamous Neoplasia Masquerading as Recalcitrant Epithelial Keratitis. [Review]. Cornea, 41(9), 1185-1187. ()
- Hansen ED, Hartnett ME (01/01/2019). A Review of Treatment for Retinopahty of Prematurity. [Review]. Expert Rev Ophthalmol, DOI(10), 1080.
( out of 367 reviews )