- Ophthalmology
- Social Work
Patient Rating
4.9 /5( out of 11 reviews )The patient rating score is an average of all responses on our patient experience survey. The rating averages scores for all questions about care from our providers.
The scale on which responses are measured is 1 to 5 with 5 being the best score.
Patient Comments
Patient comments are gathered from our patient experience survey and displayed in their entirety. For the convenience of our visitors, some patient comments have been translated from their original language into English while preserving their original meaning as accurately as possible. Patients are de-identified for confidentiality and patient privacy.
June 26, 2024MORAN EYE CENTERShe was amazing, kind and very knowledgeable about my condition and resources and technology available to me.
March 14, 2024MORAN EYE CENTERVisiting with Lisa always gives me the validation that I can do anything. She is most supportive, caring and understanding of what my needs are. Her guidance in this journey is always appreciated.
December 15, 2023MORAN EYE CENTERLisa was incredibly supportive. She helped me understand how best to help my daughter. She helped open the door to allow [NAME REMOVED] IEP team to contact her if they have further questions! I felt completely at ease and comfortable! I really look forward to working with Lisa in the future!
August 12, 2023MORAN EYE CENTERDr. Ord listens my questions and concerns. She always takes time to explain things I dont understand. She is respectful and kind.
January 26, 2023MORAN EYE CENTERbrief but pleasant and adequate
Board Certification and Academic Information
Academic Departments Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences -Primary Education history
Doctoral Training Social Work - University of Utah College of Social Work Ph.D. Graduate Training Social Work - Boise State University M.S.W. Undergraduate University of Utah B.S. Selected Publications
Journal Article
- Ord LM, Henderson A, Christiansen RM (09/01/2018). Looking at Charles Bonnet Syndrome: Prevalence and experiences of patients in a vision rehabilitation clinic. J Vis Impair Blind, 112(5).
( out of 11 reviews )