Stories that celebrate
Take a look back at twelve months of stories, impact, and joy in our 2024 community report
Take a look inside
Did a story here move you? Did it change the way you think about mental health?
No matter where we live, work, or play, we experience the complexity of mental health everyday.
Collectively, we can see and understand the grip that mental health and substance use disorders hold on our society. These are not easy problems to solve. Fifty thousand Americans die by suicide each year. Forty-eight and a half million Americans battled substance use disorders in the past year. Seventy-five percent of mental disorders begin between the ages of 10 and 25.
This is why we’re creating something new—something that has never been done before in the field of mental health and substance use disorders. The stories within these pages not only celebrate the values that guide our work but also show the progress we’ve made toward our bold vision. Innovation and new ideas are germinating across our institute and the University of Utah.
We are grateful for the continued trust and support of our community, partners, and donors who help to make this innovative work possible. Together, we sit at the forefront of transforming mental health care. Thank you for joining us on this big, bold journey.
Sincerely yours,
Mark Hyman Rapaport, MD
CEO, Huntsman Mental Health Institute
William H. and Edna D. Stimson Presidential Endowed Chair
Professor and Chair, Department of Psychiatry