Each year the brings together physicians from across the country to learn and discuss the latest and greatest in care.
The COVDI-19 pandemic prompted the annual event to go online, but 13 Moran Eye Center doctors will present virtually on topics ranging from surgical techniques to the latest research on retinal imaging. View a full list of their presentations below.
Albert T. Vitale, MD
Friday, Nov. 13, 9:45 am – 9:30 am PST
Panelist: Posterior Uveitis/Imaging
Akbar Shakoor, MD
Friday, Nov. 13, 10:45 am – 11:21 am PST
Panelists: Uveitis, Intraocular Inflammation
Marissa B. Larochelle, MD
Friday, Nov. 13, 7:41 am- 8:12 am PST
Presenter: Anterior Uveitis
Paul S. Bernstein, MD, PhD
Saturday, Nov. 14, 5:30 am – 5:30 am PST
Presenter: Retina Around the World
Kathleen B. Digre, MD
Saturday, Nov. 14, 8:35 am – 9:20 am PST
Presenter: A Practical Approach to Nero-Ophthalmic Problems: When to Treat and When to Refer!
Jeff Pettey, MD, MBA and Geoffrey C Tabin, MD
Saturday, Nov. 14, 12:05 pm – 12:50 pm PST
Education: Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery
Craig Chaya, MD
Sunday, Nov. 15, 1:00 pm – 1:45 pm PST
Presenter: 2020 YO Program
On Demand Sessions/Presentations
Craig Chaya, MD
Instruction Course: GATT: Basic Technique, Surgical and Postoperative Pearls, and Review of Outcomes Data
Robert M. Christiansen, MD, FACS
Instruction Course: Low Vision Rehabilitation for Ophthalmologists
Mary Elizabeth Hartnett, MD
Panelist: Pediatric Retina
Symposium: Professionalism in Ophthalmology: Maintaining Resilience and Avoiding Burnout
Instruction Course: Diagnosis and Management of Pediatric Retina Dilemmas
Jeff Pettey, MD, MBA
Skills Transfer: Phacoemulsification and Advanced Techniques
Presenter: Beyond 2020: Successes, Challenges, and Optimizing Your Impact
Presenter: Learning and Teaching Surgery From Residency Through Retirement
Nick Mamalis, MD
Instruction Course: Cataract Surgery Crisis Management 101
Lydia Sauer, MD, M. Elizabeth Hartnett, MD, and Paul S Bernstein, MD
Paper: Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Ophthalmoscopy in Stargardt Disease: Phenotypes, Genotypes and Longitudinal changes
Scientific Posters
Mary Elizabeth Hartnett, MD
Scientific Poster: Prevalence of Retinal Disease and Associated CNS Pathology in Incontinentia Pigmenti
Nick Mamalis, MD
Scientific Poster: ASCRS/ESCRS Survey of foldable IOLs Requiring Explantation or Secondary Intervention – 2019 Update
Steffen Schmitz-Valckenberg, MD
Scientific Poster: COLUMBUS-AMD: Efficacy and Safety of FYB201, a Proposed Biosimilar to Ranibizumab, in nAMD
Liliana Werner, MD, PhD
Scientific Poster: Long-Term Capsular Bag Clarity of a New Fluid-Filled, Modular Accommodating IOL
Liliana Werner, MD, PhD and Nick Mamalis, MD
Scientific Poster: Long-Term Capsular Bag Clarity of a New Fluid-Filled, Modular Accommodating IOL
Scientific Poster: Evaluation of Explanation of a Silicone Fluid- Filled Modular A-IOL in the Rabbit Model
Jeff Pettey, MD, MBA and Sophia Fang, MD
Scientific Poster: Attitudes Toward Practicing Global Ophthalmology and Avenues for Improvement Among AAO Members
Liliana Werner, MD, PhD
Video: New Pupil Expander Used for Capsular Bag Support