Specialists and researchers from the John A. Moran Eye Center at the University of Utah will share their expertise with colleagues from around the country at the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) annual meeting.
AAO is the world鈥檚 largest association of eye physicians and surgeons, with more than 30,000 members. The group鈥檚 annual meeting will be held September 30-October 3 in Chicago.
惭辞谤补苍鈥檚 , co-director of the world-renowned based at Moran, will give the Academy鈥檚 Charles D. Kelman Lecture. One of the most coveted awarded lectures in ophthalmology, the honor recognizes outstanding achievements in improving cataract surgery through education or innovation. Werner is the first woman to receive the honor.
AAO will also recognize Moran cornea specialist and researcher Amy Lin, MD, with its Achievement Award. The Achievement Award program recognizes members for their contributions to the Academy, its scientific, and educational programs and to ophthalmology.
At a reception Sunday, October 2, Moran CEO Randall J Olson, MD, will present surgeon Majid Moshirfar, MD, with 惭辞谤补苍鈥檚 Distinguished Alumni Award. Moshirfar completed a cornea fellowship at the Moran Eye Center.
Moran Presentations at AAO
Below is a list of Moran Eye Center faculty presentations and paper/poster abstracts at AAO (all times in U.S. CST).
September 30
9:07 - 10:39AM
Session: GLA03 Location: GRAND BALLROOM S100AB
In Person, Live Broadcast, On Demand
Section II: MIGS Case-Based Section
Moderators: Manjool M. Shah, MD, and Ramya N. Swamy, MD
Presenters: Thomas W Samuelson, MD, Brian E. Flowers, MD, Ze Zhang, MD, Vikas Chopra, MD, Cathleen M. McCabe, MD, Iqbal "Ike" K. Ahmed MD, FRCSC, and Nina A. Goyal, MD
October 1
8:00AM - 9:15AM
Session: 214 Location: E451B
A Video Bouquet of Phaco Complications That Should Never Have Occurred, With Tips on Damage Control and Prevention to Optimize Postoperative Outcome
Instruction Course
In Person, On Demand
Senior Instructor: Arup Chakrabarti, MS, MBBS
Instructor(s): Thomas A. Oetting, MD, Iqbal "Ike" K. Ahmed MD, FRCSC, Meena Chakrabarti, MS, MBBS, Abhay Raghukant Vasavada, MBBS, FRCS
8:00AM - 9:15AM
Session: 217 Location: S505AB
GATT: Basic Technique, Surgical and Postoperative Pearls and Review of Outcomes Data
Instruction Course, In Person Only, CME1
Senior Instructor: Davinder S Grover, MD
Instructor(s): Ronald Leigh Fellman, MD, OCS, Craig J. Chaya MD, Patrick Gooi, MD, Zeynep Aktas, MD, Daniel I. Bettis, MD, Marlene R. Moster MD, Oluwatosin U. Smith, MD, Bryce A. Ford, MD, Luigi Fontana, MD, PhD, Matthew E. Emanuel, MD, David G. Godfrey, MD, Arsham Sheybani, MD, Helen L. Kornmann, MD, and Eamon Sharkawi, MD, FRCOphth
8:00AM - 9:15AM
Session: LEC100 Location: E352
Manual Small-Incision Cataract Surgery
Skills Transfer, In Person Only, Map
Course Director: Jeff H. Pettey, MD, MBA
Instructor(s): Rengaraj Venkatesh, MBBS, Geoffrey C. Tabin, MD, Martin H. Spencer, MD, FRCSC, Avni A. Shah, MD
9:45AM - 11:00AM
Session: 225 Location: S502AB
Diagnosis and Management of Pediatric Retina Dilemmas
Instruction Course, In Person Only, CME1
Senior Instructor: Lejla Vajzovic, MD
Instructor(s): Caroline R. Baumal, MD, Audina M. Berrocal, MD, Mary Elizabeth Hartnett, MD, FACS, Anna L. Ells, MD, Cynthia A. Toth, MD
9:45AM - 11:00AM
Session: LEC110 Location: E351
Phacoemulsification and Advanced Techniques: The Core Curriculum
Skills Transfer, In Person Only, Map
Course Director: Steven H. Dewey, MD
Instructor(s): Mark H. Blecher MD, Marjan Farid, MD, Cathleen M. McCabe, MD, Thomas A. Oetting, MD, Jeff H. Pettey, MD, MBA, Gerald J. Roper, MD
10:30AM - 12:00PM
Session: LAB100A Location: N228
Manual Small-Incision Cataract Surgery
Skills Transfer, In Person Only, TICKET
Course Director: Jeff H. Pettey, MD, MBA
Instructor(s): Avni A. Shah, MD, Donald A. Macdonald, MD, Eric D. Hansen, MD, Martin H. Spencer, MD, FRCSC, Sriranjani P. Padmanabhan, MD, Jacquelyn A. O'Banion, MD, Zaiba Malik, MD, Brad H. Feldman, MD, Samar K. Basak, MD, FRCS, MBBS, and Cristos Ifantides, MD, MBA
11:30AM - 12:45PM
Session: LEC115 Location: E352
Management of the Vitreous for the Anterior Segment Surgeon
Skills Transfer
In Person Only
Course Director: Natalie A. Afshari, MD
Instructor(s): Ron Afshari Adelman, MD, MPH, Iqbal "Ike" K. Ahmed, MD, FRCSC, Malhar Soni, MD, MS, DNB, FRCS, Baseer U. Khan, MD, Keith A. Warren, MD, Thomas A. Oetting, MD, and Shin Yamane, MD
11:30AM - 12:30PM
Session: OP03 Location: S405
Cataract Original Papers
Original Paper Session, In Person, On Demand, CME1
Chair: Sathish Srinivasan, MBBS
Presenters: Neeraj Singh Chawla, MD, So Goto, MD, Arun K. Jain, MD, Nick Mamalis, MD, Hasan Alsetri
12:06PM - 12:13PM
Session: PA016 Location: S405
Clinical and Histopathological Findings in the Dead Bag Syndrome
Paper, In Person, On Demand, CME1
Presenting Author: Nick Mamalis MD
Co-Author(s): Catherine J. Culp, MD, Phillip Qu, MD, Jason J. Jones MD, Nicole R. Fram, MD, Gregory S H Ogawa, MD, Samuel Masket, MD, and Liliana Werner, MD, PhD
1:40PM - 2:19PM
Session: RET17 Location: ARIE CROWN
Section XIV: Pediatric Retina
Session, In Person, Live Broadcast, On Demand, CME1, TICKET
Moderator: Antonio Capone Jr., MD
Panel Moderator: Yoshihiro Yonekawa, MD
Virtual Moderator: Brittni Ashton Scruggs, MD
Panelists: Kimberly A Drenser, MD, PhD, G. Baker Hubbard, MD, Darius M. Moshfeghi, MD, Aaron Nagiel, MD, PHD, Irena Tsui, MD,
Presenters: Cynthia A. Toth, MD, Mary Elizabeth Hartnett, MD, FACS, R. V. Paul Chan, MD, FACS, MBA, Audina M. Berrocal, MD
2:00PM - 3:00PM
Session: PT03
Poster Theater: Glaucoma
In Person, On Demand, NON-CME
Chair: Anna C Momont, MD
Presenter(s): Stephanie Ying, BA, Binh Cao, BS, Iqbal "Ike" K. Ahmed MD, FRCSC, Mariana Abi Karam, MD
2:00PM - 3:15PM CST
Session: 272 Location: S505AB
Phaco Pearls for the Beginner
Instruction Course, In Person Only, CME1
Senior Instructor: Arup Chakrabarti, MS, MBBS
Instructor(s): Jeff H. Pettey, MD, MBA, Thomas A. Oetting, MD, Mitchell P. Weikert MD, Elizabeth Yeu MD
2:00PM - 3:15PM
Session: SYM14 Location: S406A
Masquerading as the Masquerade in the Uveitis Clinic
Symposium, In Person, Live Broadcast, On Demand, CME1
Chair(s): Phoebe Lin, MD, PhD, John A. Gonzales, MD
Presenters: Phoebe Lin, MD, PhD, Sruthi Arepalli, MD, Careen Yen Lowder MD, PhD, Ninani E. Kombo, MD, Akbar Shakoor, MD, S. R. Rathinam, MBBS, PHD, Soon-Phaik Chee, MD, Edmund Tsui, MD, Karen R. Armbrust, MD, Jose S. Pulido, MD, MS, Nisha Acharya, MD, Debra A. Goldstein, MD, John A. Gonzales MD
October 2
8:00AM - 9:15AM
Session: SYM20 Location: E450
Retinopathy of Prematurity
Symposium, In Person, Live Broadcast, On Demand, CME1
Topic: Pediatric Ophthalmology, Strabismus
Chair(s):, Rahul Bhola, MD, MBA, Robert S. Gold, MD
Presenter: Rahul Bhola, MD, MBA, Michael F. Chiang, MD, Gil Binenbaum, MD, Kathryn M. Haider, MD, Mary Elizabeth Hartnett MD FACS, David K. Wallace, MD, MPH, Amy K. Hutchinson MD, Michelle T. Cabrera, MD, James M. Richard, MD, Susan H. Day, MD, Robert S. Gold, MD
8:00AM - 9:15AM
Session: SYM19 Location: GRAND BALLROOM S100C
Making an Impact: Academic Global Ophthalmology
Symposium, In Person, On Demand, CME1
Chair(s): Jacquelyn A. O'Banion, MD, Jeff H. Pettey, MD, MBA
Presenters: Duaa Sharfi, MD, Kristen M. Nwanyanwu, MD, David H. Cherwek, MD, Jacquelyn A. O'Banion, MD, R. V. Paul Chan, MD, FACS, MBA
9:45AM - 11:00AM
Session: SYM27 Location: E354
New Devices in Glaucoma
Symposium, In Person, Live Broadcast, On Demand, NON-CME
Chair(s): Oluwatosin U. Smith, MD and Qi N. Cui, MD
Presenter(s): Oluwatosin U. Smith, MD, Marlene R. Moster, MD, Iqbal "Ike" K. Ahmed MD, FRCSC, Steven R. Sarkisian, MD, Eydie G. Miller-Ellis, MD, Arsham Sheybani, MD, Thomas W. Samuelson, MD, Amanda Kiely Bicket, MD, and Qi N .Cui, MD
11:00AM - 12:30PM CST
Session: LAB100B Location: N228
Manual Small-Incision Cataract Surgery
Skills Transfer, In Person Only, TICKET
Course Director: Jeff H. Pettey, MD, MBA
Instructor(s): Avni A. Shah, MD, Eric D. Hansen, MD, Amar Agarwal MD, Cristos Ifantides, MD, MBA, Francisco J. Gutierrez-Carmona, MD, PhD, Donald A. Macdonald, MD, Martin H. Spencer, MD, FRCSC, Samar K. Basak, MD, FRCS, MBBS, Sriranjani P. Padmanabhan, MD, Ricardo A. Goni ,MD, Zaiba Malik, MD, Zubair Ansari, MD, Brad H. Feldman, MD, Matthew S. Oliva, MD, Francisco J. Gutierrez-Carmona, MD PhD, Jacquelyn A. O'Banion, MD, Suzette Luke, MD, Brenton D. Finklea, MD, Priya Narang, MS, Lional Raj, Daniel Raj Ponniah, MD, Craig J. Chaya, MD
11:30AM - 12:45PM
Session: 436 Location: E451A
Pearl Jam: High-Impact, No-Nonsense Pearls for the Anterior Segment Surgeon
Instruction Course, In Person Only, STAR CME1
Senior Instructor: Joshua C. Teichman, MD, MPH
Instructor(s): Iqbal "Ike" K. Ahmed, MD, FRCSC, Brandon Ayres, MD, Minas T. Coroneo, MBBS, MS, Dean P. Ouano, MD, Steven G. Safran, MD, and Deepinder K. Dhaliwal, MD
October 3
8:00AM - 12:30PM
Session: SYM45 Location: E354
Spotlight on Cataract: M&M Rounds鈥擫earning from My Mistakes
Symposium, In Person, Live Broadcast, On Demand, NON-CME
Chairs: David F. Chang, MD, Nicole R. Fram, MD
Presenters: Bonnie An Henderson, MD, Terry Kim, MD, Jeff H. Pettey, MD, MBA, Soosan Jacob, MBBS, FRCS, Audrey R. Talley Rostov, MD, William F. Wiley, MD, Mitchell P. Weikert, MD, Thomas A. Oetting, MD, Thomas Kohnen, MD, PhD, FEBO, Sumitra S. Khandelwal, MD, Zaina N. Al-Mohtaseb, MD, Thomas W. Samuelson, MD, Michael E. Snyder, MD, Richard S. Hoffman, MD, Elizabeth Yeu, MD, Brandon Ayres, MD, Oliver Findl, MD, Abhay Raghukant Vasavada, MBBS, FRCS, Julie M. Schallhorn, MD, John P. Berdahl MD, Ahmed H. Assaf, FRCS, Soon-Phaik Chee, MD, Uday Devgan, MD, Marjan Farid, MD, David A. Crandall, MD, Nick Mamalis, MD, Cathleen M. McCabe, MD, Amar Agarwal, MD, Richard L. Lindstrom, MD, Kendall E. Donaldson, MD, Lisa B. Arbisser, MD, Deepinder K. Dhaliwal, MD, Susan M. MacDonald, MD, Kevin M. Miller, MD, Robert H. Osher, MD, Naveen K. Rao, MD, Nicole R. Fram, MD
Session concludes with the Charles D. Kelman Lecture
Award Winner and Lecturer: Liliana Werner, MD, PhD
Lecture Title: 25 Years Evaluating New IOL Technology and Complications
9:45AM - 11:00AM
Session: 626 Location: E351
Online Content Creation (Blogs, Podcasts, Videos, Social Media) for Ophthalmology Education and Marketing
Instruction Course, In Person Only, CME1
Senior Instructor: Nimesh A. Patel, MD
Instructor(s): Grayson W. Armstrong, MD, MPH, Iqbal "Ike" K. Ahmed, MD, FRCSC, Dagny C. Zhu, MD, and Usiwoma E .Abugo, MD
11:30AM - 12:45PM
Session: SYM50 Location: E450
Keeping the Passion Alive! Not Just a Day Job
Symposium, In Person, Live Broadcast, On Demand, YO CME1
Chair(s): Meron Haile, MD, and Cristos Ifantides, MD, MBA
Presenters: Meron Haile, MD, Diane M. Hilal-Campo MD, Robert F. Melendez, MD, MBA, Jeff H. Pettey, MD, MBA, Kristen M. Nwanyanwu, MD, Murtaza K. Adam, MD, Neda Shamie, MD, Cristos Ifantides, MD, MBA
11:30AM - 12:45PM
Session: 644 Location: S102ABC
Intraoperative Gonioscopy: A Key to Angle Surgery
Instruction Course, In Person Only, CME1
Senior Instructor: Shakeel R Shareef MD
Instructor(s): Daniel I. Bettis, MD, Iqbal "Ike" K. Ahmed, MD, FRCSC, Manjool M. Shah, MD, and Georges M. Durr, MD
2:00PM - 3:15PM
Session: 656 Location: E451B
Cliffhanger: Vitrectomy by the Anterior Segment Surgeon for the Broken Posterior Capsule, the Sinking Nucleus and the Dangling IOL
Instruction Course, In Person, On Demand, STAR CME1
Senior Instructor: Amar Agarwal, MD
Instructor(s): David F. Chang, MD, Iqbal "Ike" K. Ahmed, MD, FRCSC, Brandon Ayres, MD, and Ashvin Agarwal, MD
Scientific Posters Including Moran Eye Center Faculty
Iqbal "Ike" K. Ahmed, MD FRCSC
- Endothelial Safety Profile of MIGS Stents
- Gel Stent vs. Trabeculectomy: Twelve-Month Safety and Patient-Reported Outcomes of the Gold Standard Pathway Study
- Novel Suprachoroidal Biostent for Reinforced Cyclodialysis: Microinterventional Technique and First-in-Human Results
Mary Elizabeth Hartnett, MD
- Congenital X-Linked Retinoschisis: Surgical Needs and Outcomes in the Long Term鈥擜 Retrospective Multicenter International Study
Nick Mamalis, MD
- ASCRS/ESCRS Survey on Foldable IOLs Requiring Explantation or Secondary Intervention: 2021 Update
- The Dead Bag Syndrome
Jeff H. Pettey, MD, MBA
- Creating a Standardized Surgical Curriculum for Ophthalmology Residents
- Medical Student Competitiveness for Ophthalmology Residency in the Absence of USMLE Step 1 Scores
Rachael Simpson, MD
- Medical Student Competitiveness for Ophthalmology Residency in the Absence of USMLE Step 1 Scores
Brian Stagg, MD
- Disparities in Medicaid and Medicare Physician Reimbursements for Ophthalmic Procedures
Sravanthi Vegunta, MD
- Medical Student Competitiveness for Ophthalmology Residency in the Absence of USMLE Step 1 Scores
Judith E.A. Warner, MD
- Medical Student Competitiveness for Ophthalmology Residency in the Absence of USMLE Step 1 Scores
Liliana Werner, MD, PhD
- The Dead Bag Syndrome