(The Salt Lake Tribune) - The chief executive of the John A. Moran Eye Center at the University of Utah gushed at a news conference that a new partnership with...
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In the News
Jan 11, 2015
(Deseret News) - Utah billionaire Jon Huntsman writes about a life spent making a fortune, and giving it away
A discovery by researchers at Huntsman Cancer Institute shows that looking at whether a man’s uncles and great-grandparents, among other second- and third-degree relatives, had prostate cancer could be as...
(Deseret News) - The number of women choosing to give birth outside hospitals each year has doubled since 1990, according to a recent Utah Department of Health study
Often lumped together because they have similar symptoms, colds and the flu have several differences. Here are the symptoms for each and why it matters.
The pain can be almost unbearable. Sciatica can come on suddenly, or occur after sitting for long periods of time. The pain radiates from the sciatic nerve that runs from...
A child's room is no place for a television set. For years that has been the warning from pediatricians all over the world. Now though, they are saying it isn't...
(Deseret News) - WEST VALLEY CITY - On a plaza outside of a Utah chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness, three teenagers with depression joined their peers to...
Open any introductory biology textbook and one of the first things you’ll learn is that our DNA spells out the instructions for making proteins, tiny machines that do much of...
(CNN) - Another flight, another woman goes into labor
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In the News
Jan 01, 2015
(Wired) - The most important job inside any cell is making proteins, and they are all made using instructions from DNA
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In the News
Dec 30, 2014
(KSL) - It could have looked like any small pre-holiday gathering, as a dozen or so people filed into a rented room at the Davis School District offices for a...
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In the News
Dec 27, 2014
(KUTV) - Dr. Lauri Linder is a researcher trying to help children and teen cancer patients use iPads to provide information to their doctor to help with symptoms and experiences...
If you're like most people, you're too busy to get sick. So it's important to take every measure to stay well and protect your body from illnesses. Here's how.
Dr. Julio Facelli has been elected as a 2014 Fellow to the American College of Medical Informatics (ACMI) by the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA).
(The Salt Lake Tribune) - Female meth users may have a higher chance of developing Parkinson’s disease than male users, new research from the University of Utah suggests.
Examination of DNA from 21 primate species - from squirrel monkeys to humans - exposes an evolutionary war against infectious bacteria over iron that circulates in the bloodstream. Supported by...