Carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning kills more than 400 people according to the CDC and is responsible for over 50,000 emergency department visits nationwide each year. Americans 65 and older are among the highest fatalities. In Utah, there were 194 emergency department visits and 30 deaths reported in 2014 (the latest numbers available) for CO poisoning*. As winter approaches, the risk for CO poisoning increases. The four agencies noted in this press release are collaborating to remind Utahns that they need to know the symptoms of CO poisoning and take precautions to prevent it. CO is an odorless, invisible gas produced when gasoline, natural gas, propane, kerosene, and other fuels are not completely burned during use. Automobile exhaust is the most common source of CO, but small gas engines, camp lanterns and stoves, charcoal grills, and gas ranges and furnaces also produce it. When appliances and furnaces are improperly adjusted and used in poorly ventilated areas, dangerous amounts of CO can build up in the blood, replacing the oxygen, and potentially cause asphyxiation. Although everyone is susceptible to CO poisoning, unborn babies, infants, the elderly, and people with respiratory problems are particularly at risk. Because CO is invisible and odorless, it is important to know the symptoms of CO poisoning and to immediately seek medical help if those symptoms occur. The most common symptoms are: If the presence of CO is suspected based on these symptoms, evacuate all persons from the structure and call the Poison Control Center at 1-800-222-1222, or 911. People can avoid CO poisoning through simple prevention measures and common sense. For example, most fire-related CO poisoning can be prevented by the proper installation and maintenance of smoke detectors. Here are some other tips for preventing CO poisoning: Knowledge is the key to preventing carbon monoxide poisoning. Anyone who thinks he or she has CO poisoning should at 1-800-222-1222 or call 911.What is CO?
Recognizing CO Poisoning Symptoms
CO Prevention