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Testing Your Body Composition & VO2Max
University Employee/Student
All testing is done by appointment.
PEAK's Performance Testing package will provide a baseline. This means that our performance testing package will let you measure your progress as you work toward your athletic goals. This package includes the following tests:
- Body Composition (%fat) - Bod Pod
- VO2max
General Information
- 90 minute appointment
- Bod Pod test will be completed first, followed by the VO2max test
- Bring clothes for the Bod Pod (see details below) and comfortable exercise clothing for the VO2max test
- You may choose to bring a small snack for after the Bod Pod test is completed
Bod Pod
What to Expect
- Special clothing is necessary. Women need to bring a swimsuit or form fitting shorts and a sports bra. Men need to bring a speedo or compression shorts. (PEAK can provide compression shorts if needed.)
- Don't exercise, eat, or drink anything with calories or caffeine 4-5 hours prior to your test
- It's okay to drink water up until it's time for your test if you're thirsty
- Don't participate in vigorous/high intensity weight training 12 hours prior
- Do come rested and relaxed
VO2max Information
VO2max (also called maximal oxygen uptake) is a measure that trainers and doctors use to measure your cardiorespiratory fitness. PEAK uses open-circuit spirometry to accurately measure your VO2max. Athletes can use VO2max testing information to determine how intensely they should train and gauge results of a training program.
What to Expect
- Graded exercise test lasting 8-14 minutes (not including warm-up and cool-down)
- Can be completed on a treadmill or a bicycle
- Heart rate is monitored
- Athlete will wear a nose clip and mouthpiece to capture exhaled air
- Oxygen uptake is measured with a metabolic cart
- Results are available immediately after the test is completed
- PEAK exercise physiologist will explain results