New findings highlight the positive impact of personalized exercise programs for lung cancer patients undergoing surgery and how they directly enhance patient outcomes, particularly in women.
Genomic analyses funded by the National Cancer Institute show that ovarian cancer mutations are nearly identical across populations, yet some differences emerged. This information may be relevant for treatment decisions.
These awards advance cancer research, support scientists, and establish a training program for students. The funding underscores a commitment to future cancer investigators and better patient outcomes.
Deanna Kepka, PhD, MPH, and the Global Oncology Initiative are revolutionizing cancer care through innovative HPV-related prevention and international partnerships, addressing global disparities in care.
Anna Parks, MD, was awarded the American Society of Hematology Junior Faculty Scholar Award, which supports promising early career hematologists committed to advancing the field through innovative research.
Five-year federally funded program aims to improve cancer care for rural and frontier residents in the Mountain West, bringing the latest in cancer care by providing access to clinical trials.
Researchers at Huntsman Cancer Institute have found that fewer sessions of higher dose vaginal cuff brachytherapy work just as well as more frequent, lower-dose treatments for endometrial cancer patients.
Utah Hockey Club and Huntsman Cancer Institute unite to honor those affected by cancer and support life-saving research in their second Hockey Fights Cancer night of the season.
The introduction of two da Vinci 5 systems enhances surgery precision and decreases recovery times for patients. This strengthens Huntsman Cancer Institute鈥檚 role as a leader in robotic surgical care.
Huntsman Cancer Institute hosted a ribbon cutting for a new mobile cancer screening clinic. The state-of-the-art unit brings crucial screening services to more patients throughout the state.