Episode Transcript
Dr. Jones: I'm celebrating five years of "The Seven Domains of Women's Health" on The Scope. This is Dr Kirtly Jones from Obstetrics and Gynecology at 91麻豆天美直播, and these are my five favorite episodes on The Scope.
Announcer: Covering all aspects of women's health, this is "The Seven Domains of Women's Health" with Dr. Kirtly Jones on The Scope.
Dr. Jones: After 5 years and 260 short pieces, it's time for a little retrospective. "The Seven Domains of Women's Health" covers all parts of women's lives -- physical, emotional, social, intellectual, environmental, financial, and spiritual. And of course, men's health affects women's health, so we've covered many topics that fall in these domains and some more than once.
Some podcasts have been in response to some medical science that was just released. Some have been interviews with experts and specialists. Some have been just a minute long, and some have been just for fun. So here are my top five. Of course, I have 260 favorites, so picking 5 was a little hard. So I picked my favorites in the different categories of presentations.
Number one. What Does it Mean to be a Healthy Woman? This is my favorite because it welcomes the listener to think about what it means to be healthy and what are the domains of health. And it directs the listener to the wonderful website for the Center of Excellence in Women's Health. So every woman who listens and guys could do it too, I guess, could take a questionnaire about each of the seven domains of health and see where they might improve. It also leads the listener to a larger view of health and resilience as part of living a full and healthy life.
Number two. What is the Normal Birth? This was my favorite interview. This interview was with Celeste Thomas, a midwife at the University of Utah and the Clinical Director of BirthCare HealthCare at the University of Utah. This is a favorite because it had the tension of an OB GYN, me, talking to a midwife, but there was no real tension because Celeste gave a great overview of the science and hormones involved in physiologic birth, and she had the warmest, calm voice. I just felt my tension around the issue of normal birth go away. You should all listen to it again. I did.
Number three. No, Sleeping on Your Back Does Not Necessarily Cause Stillbirth. The Scope has tried to give timely information that you can use in response to what might be the next scariest thing or the next cool thing that you see on the news media. This was a Scope Radio interview in response to a very recent publication which suggested that how women sleep when they're pregnant may increase the risk of stillbirth. This is a very scary publication, and the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology jumped right in to help women understand this issue a little better by sending us three experts, three perinatologists to interview on this topic.
Number four. How Men's Sperm Affects Pregnancy. Well, this is a topic that allowed us to talk about how men's health can affect women's health and, in this case, pregnancy. We've often picked topics about men's health, how they snore, and other important topics for women. This one also introduced the topic of epigenetics or how behaviors or exposures change how genes work. Epigenetics is a very new look at genetics and inheritance, so it's time to talk about it, and as a reproductive endocrinologist, it's fun to talk about sperm and our listeners thought so too, as this was the seventh most clicked in the seven domains with 70,224 visits as of a week ago.
Number five. Don't Sabotage Your Valentine's Day. This one fell in the category of just for fun, but in fact it includes sociologic research about inflated expectations around romance, and it had some practical suggestions for not getting disappointed.
Whatever my favorites were, they all depended on you, dear listener, to be there. We hope that among the 260 topics in the past 5 years that there were some that were informative, reassuring, timely, and just fun for you too and thanks for joining us on The Scope.
Announcer: Have a question about a medical procedure? Want to learn more about a health condition? With over 2,000 interviews with our physicians and specialists, there's a pretty good chance you'll find what you want to know. Check it out at the scoperadio.com.